「Katch優惠平台熱切呈獻【2021年度叱咤樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮】亞洲國際博覽館 亞博15年 音樂再起飛」抽獎活動
亞洲國際博覽館管理有限公司(下稱「亞博館」)將於符合所有參賽資格的參加者中,抽出250名得獎者。每位得獎者可購買HK$5,000亞洲國際博覽館餐飲禮劵*以換取2張由商業電台於2022年1月1日晚上7點在亞洲國際博覽館舉辦的「Katch優惠平台熱切呈獻【2021年度叱咤樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮】亞洲國際博覽館 亞博15年 音樂再起飛」(下稱「2021年度叱咤樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮」) (Block 7 - Block 11, 隨機派發)門票**。
*每張餐飲禮劵面額HK$1,000(購買5張餐飲禮劵合共HK$5,000),可於亞洲國際博覽館澐‧NUVA或Arena Kitchen使用。並須遵守條款及細則:
- 餐飲禮券只適用於澐‧NUVA及Arena Kitchen使用。
- 享用餐飲禮券須預先訂座,並請於訂座時說明使用餐飲禮券及落單前提供餐飲禮券。
- 於澐‧NUVA及Arena Kitchen堂食另收加一服務費或茶芥(如適用)。如消費總額超過港幣1,000元或使用之餐飲禮券總額,餘額須以現金或信用卡繳付;如消費總額不足港幣1,000元,餘額則不作找續(不論現金或其他方式)。
- 餐飲禮券只限堂食及每張只限用一次。
- 餐飲禮券如無有效日期及授權蓋章,即屬無效。
- 餐飲禮券只限於有效日期內使用,有效期為2022年1月2日至2022年12日31日,逾期作廢。
- 餐飲禮券不可退換或兌換現金、信用額或其他產品、優惠及服務。
- 所有澐‧NUVA及Arena Kitchen購買之物品不設退換或退款。
- 餐飲禮券如有遺失、損毀或塗污,恕不補發。影印本恕不接受。
- 物品價格或物品款式會不時調整或更改,數量有限,售完即止,若有任何爭議,亞博館、澐‧NUVA及Arena Kitchen保留一切最終決定權。
- 餐飲禮券條款及細則之中、英文版如有任何差別,一概以英文版為準。
抽獎結果將於2021年12月17日16:00:00 (GMT+8) 在「AsiaWorld-Expo」官方Facebook和Instagram專頁內公佈,並於2021年12月18日刊登於香港經濟日報及南華早報。
- 參加者必須同意及遵守由亞博館舉辦之「2021年度叱咤樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮」抽獎活動之條款及細則方可參與是次活動。
- 參加者必須為13歲或以上人士,並同意及遵守遊戲之條款及細則,18歲以下的參加者必須得家長或監護人同意方可參加。
- 參加者必須按照以下步驟參與遊戲:
下載AsiaWorld-Expo流動應用程式並成功註冊成為AsiaWorld Club會員。
Like/讚好「AsiaWorld-Expo」官方Facebook和Instagram專頁上的遊戲帖子,成功TAG/標籤一位朋友,在遊戲帖文內留言欄寫下會員編號(下稱「留言」)。「留言」必須在 2021 年 12 月 10 日 12:00:00 (GMT+8) 至 2021 年 12 月 15 日 14:59:59 (GMT+8)(包括首尾兩天)之間提交。
亞洲國際博覽館於2021年12月16日抽出250名得獎者,抽獎結果將於2021年12月17日 16:00:00 (GMT+8)在「AsiaWorld-Expo」官方Facebook和Instagram專頁內公佈。亞洲國際博覽館亦會於2021年12月17日 18:00:00 (GMT+8) 前經Facebook或Instagram專頁發信息予得獎者。
得獎者可於此指定時間內購買HK$5,000亞洲國際博覽館餐飲禮劵以換取商業電台於2022年1月1日晚上7時在亞洲國際博覽館舉辦的「2021年度叱咤樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮」門票2張。避免爭議,若得獎者未能於2021年12月20日23:59:59 (GMT+8) 或之前完成購買程序,該得獎者將被取消資格並被視為放棄購買 HK$5,000 亞洲國際博覽館用餐禮券及獲取「2021年度叱咤樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮」門票的機會。
HK$5,000 須以銀行「轉數快」支付至指定的亞洲國際博覽館銀行賬戶,得獎者須向「AsiaWorld-Expo」官方Facebook和Instagram專頁發送個人訊息通知付款成功。
AsiaWorld Club會員號碼, 註冊之手提電話號碼
付款圖片證明 (不接納經修改圖片)該付款圖片證明須清晰顯示
亞洲國際博覽館將於2021年12月24日 15:00:00 (GMT+8) 前經Facebook或Instagram專頁發換領信予於指定時間內成功依照指示購買HK$5,000亞洲國際博覽館餐飲禮劵及提供購買證明的得獎者。
得獎者須於2022年1月1日13:00:00時至17:30:00 (GMT+8)攜同 1) 付款圖片證明 ﹑2) 亞洲國際博覽館發出之換領信及 3) AsiaWorld-Expo流動應用程式上的AsiaWorld Club電子會員卡,到亞博館領取總值HK$5,000亞洲國際博覽館餐飲禮劵及2張「2021年度叱咤樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮」門票。
- 如得獎者於指定時間2021年12月20日23:59:59 (GMT+8)後完成購買程序購買HK$5,000亞洲國際博覽館餐飲禮劵,將不會獲得商業電台於2022年1月1日晚上7時在亞洲國際博覽館舉辦的「2021年度叱咤樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮」門票。
- 任何非得獎者以銀行轉數快支付至指定的亞洲國際博覽館銀行賬戶購買HK$5,000亞洲國際博覽館餐飲禮劵,將不會獲得商業電台於2022年1月1日晚上7時在亞洲國際博覽館舉辦的「2021年度叱咤樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮」門票。
- 活動將於2021年12月15日14:59:59截止參與。最後提交「留言」時間以Facebook及 Instagram 評論欄顯示之時間為準。
- 每位AsiaWorld Club會員只可於「AsiaWorld-Expo」Facebook及Instagram專頁留言一次。每個留言只能包含一個會員編號。若留言經過修改、留言次數多於一次(不包括多次提交後再刪除至剩下一個留言)或留言包含多個答案,AsiaWorld-Club會員將被取消資格。
- Facebook專頁: https://www.facebook.com/AsiaWorldExpo
- Instagram專頁: https://www.instagram.com/asiaworldexpo
- 抽獎結果將於2021年12月17日 16:00:00 (GMT+8) 前在「AsiaWorld-Expo」官方Facebook和Instagram專頁內公佈,並於2021年12月18日刊登於香港經濟日報及南華早報。
- 每位AsiaWorld Club會員只可參與遊戲一次,每位會員於整個活動期間只能獲贈一份得獎名額。
- 亞博館將全權決定所有「2021年度叱咤樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮」門票的座位分配。得獎者及其同行者不能選擇座位,而主辦單位不能保證獎品是座位相鄰的門票。亞博館不會補發門票,並且在任何情況下對因任何門票丟失、損壞或被盜而導致的任何索賠、丟失或損失概不負責。
- 參加者須保證所有填寫或提交之資料均為真實及正確,且沒有冒用或盜用任何第三者之資料,違者將被取消資格由亞博館全權決定。
- 「2021年度叱咤樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮」的門票不可退換或兌換現金,亦不能更換丶退款丶轉讓、轉售及退還,如發現任何涉嫌違規行為,亞博館有權即時取消其「2021年度叱咤樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮」門票的得獎資格,並保留追究權利,毋須另行通知。
- 亞博館並非「2021年度叱咤樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮」的主辦單位,所有有關「2021年度叱咤樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮」門票均受相關活動主辦單位之條款及細則約束,「2021年度叱咤樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮」門票的條款及細則安排如有任何改動,均由相關的活動主辦單位負責,亞博館對有關改動恕不負責,亦不會承擔任何責任及/或賠償。
- 「2021年度叱咤樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮」門票一經領取後,若有遺失或損壞,亞博館將不予補發。
- 為公平起見本次抽獎活動,亞博館之員工均不可參加,以示公允。
- 如有任何爭議,亞博館保留最終決定權。
- 本條款及細則的中文版本僅供參考,若英文版本與中文版本不一致,以英文版本為準。
- 亞博館將會收集適當,但不會過多的個人資料及將會用於在其收集個人資料聲明中所列明的合法及正當的用途上,而相關的個人資料,亞博館將依照個人資料(私隱)條例處理。而相關的收集個人資料聲明詳情及私隱政策聲明,請瀏覽asiaworld-expo.com。
推廣生意的競賽牌照號碼: 55350
“Katch presents《Ultimate Song Chart Awards Presentation 2021》AsiaWorld-Expo 15th Anniversary” Lucky Draw
Participation Period:
From 10 December 2021 at 12:00:00 (GMT+8) to 15 December 2021 at 14:59:59 (GMT+8). (both days inclusive).
AsiaWorld-Expo Management Limited (“AWEM”) will randomly draw 250 winners who successfully completes the participation requirements. Each winner may purchase HK$5,000 AsiaWorld-Expo dining vouchers* in order to get 2 tickets (Block 7 - Block 11, randomly distribute) to the “Katch presents 《Ultimate Song Chart Awards Presentation 2021》 AsiaWorld-Expo 15th Anniversary” held by Commercial Radio at AsiaWorld-Expo on 1 January 2022 at 7pm**.
*The face value of each dining voucher is HK$1,000 (purchase of 5 dining vouchers, aggregate of HK$5,000). The dining voucher can be redeemed at AsiaWorld-Expo NUVA or Arena Kitchen and shall be subject to following terms and conditions (which are also printed on the dining voucher):
- The dining voucher is only applicable at NUVA and Arena Kitchen.
- Advance reservation is required in order to use this voucher, please notify the use of voucher at the time of booking and submit this voucher before ordering.
- Additional 10% service charge or tea and condiment charge (if applicable) will be applied on any dine-in purchase at NUVA and Arena Kitchen. If the purchase exceeds HKD1,000 or the total amount of the dining vouchers, the remaining balance shall be paid by cash or credit card; if the purchase is less than HKD1,000, no change will be given either in cash or in other forms.
- The dining voucher is only valid for single usage and applicable for dine-in.
- The dining voucher is invalid unless it is issued with expiry date and authorised stamp.
- The dining voucher is only valid on or before the expiry date. The dining voucher is valid from 2 January 2022 – 31 December 2022.
- The dining voucher cannot be exchanged for cash, credits or other products.
- All items sold in NUVA and Arena Kitchen are non-refundable nor exchangeable.
- No re-issuance of dining voucher in the case of defaced, damaged or lost. Photocopies of dining voucher will NOT be accepted whatsoever.
- Adjustment of product prices and or change of products maybe found from time to time and available while stocks last. In case of any disputes, AWEM, NUVA and Arena Kitchen reserve all rights for final decision.
- In case of discrepancies between English and Chinese versions of these Terms and Conditions, the English version shall prevail.
** The 2 tickets for “The Ultimate Song Chart Awards Presentation 2021” cannot be changed or exchanged for cash, and are non-replaceable, non-refundable, non-transferrable, non-resalable and non-returnable. The 2 tickets for “The Ultimate Song Chart Awards Presentation 2021” will be forfeited without prior notice in case of breach of any of terms herein.
Announcement of winners:
The announcement of the lucky draw will be made on the official AsiaWorld-Expo Facebook and Instagram page on 17 December 2021 16:00:00 (GMT+8) and published on The Hong Kong Economic Times and South China Morning Post on 18 December 2021.
Terms & Conditions:
- Participants must agree and comply with the terms and conditions of “The Ultimate Song Chart Awards Presentation 2021” Lucky Draw organised by AWEM.
- Participants must be aged 13 or above and agree and comply with the terms & conditions of the lucky draw. Participants aged under 18 must obtain consent from their parents or guardians before participation.
- Participants are required to follow steps below for participation:
Download AsiaWorld-Expo Mobile APP and register successfully as AsiaWorld-Club member.
Like the lucky draw post on the official AsiaWorld-Expo Facebook or Instagram page, tag 1 friend, leave your membership ID (“the Comment”) in the comment box of the lucky draw post. The Comment must be submitted between 10 December 2021 at 12:00:00 (GMT+8) to 15 December 2021 at 14:59:59 (GMT+8) (both days inclusive).
250 winners will be randomly drawn by AsiaWorld-Expo on 16 December 2021 and the winner announcement of the lucky draw will be made on the official AsiaWorld-Expo Facebook and Instagram page on 17 December 2021 16:00:00 (GMT+8) and the 250 winners will be notified by inbox message via Facebook or Instagram on or before 17 December 2021 18:00:00 (GMT+8).
Each winner may purchase HK$5,000 AsiaWorld-Expo dining vouchers in order to get 2 tickets for “The Ultimate Song Chart Awards Presentation 2021” held by Commercial Radio at AsiaWorld-Expo on 1 January 2022 at 7pm. For the avoidance of doubt, if the winner fails to complete the purchase procedure on or before 20 December 2021 23:59:59 (GMT+8), that winner will be disqualified and deemed to forfeit the chance to purchase HK$5,000 AsiaWorld-Expo dining vouchers and the 2 tickets for “The Ultimate Song Chart Awards Presentation 2021”.
Each winner must follow the purchase procedure to purchase HK$5,000 AsiaWorld-Expo dining vouchers. Purchase procedure is as follows:
Payment of HK$5,000 must be made via FPS to the designated AsiaWorld-Expo bank account as instructed on the inbox message, and the winner shall send an inbox message to the official AsiaWorld-Expo Facebook or Instagram page to notify of the successful payment.
The inbox message shall include:
Bank account payer name
AsiaWorld Club membership number and registered mobile phone number
A picture of the transaction record (edited picture is not allowed)
The picture of the transaction record must clearly display the below info:
Payment transfer date
Payment amount
Transaction number
A redemption letter will be sent by inbox message via Facebook or Instagram on or before 24 December 2021 15:00:00 (GMT+8) for winners upon successful purchased of the HK$5,000 AsiaWorld-Expo dining vouchers.
To collect the HK$5,000 AsiaWorld-Expo dining vouchers and to collect the 2 tickets for “The Ultimate Song Chart Awards Presentation 2021”, winners must present 1) the transaction record, 2) redemption letter issue by AsiaWorld-Expo, and 3) e-membership card of AsiaWorld Club in the AsiaWorld-Expo Mobile App at AsiaWorld-Expo from 13:00:00 to 17:30:00 (GMT+8) on 1 January 2022.
- If the winner completed the purchase procedure after 20 December 2021 23:59:59 (GMT+8), that winner will not be entitled to the 2 tickets for “The Ultimate Song Chart Awards Presentation 2021”
- If any non-winner make payment via FPS to the designated AsiaWorld-Expo bank account to purchase HK$5,000 AsiaWorld-Expo dining vouchers, that non-winner will not be entitled to the 2 tickets for “The Ultimate Song Chart Awards Presentation 2021”
- Submission deadline for the lucky draw is on 15 December 2021 at 14:59:59 (GMT+8). The last submission time is according to the time shown on the comment box session on Facebook and Instagram.
- Each AsiaWorld-Club member can only submit his or her comment ONCE on AsiaWorld-Expo Official Facebook or Instagram page, and each comment box shall contain only one answer. Multiple and/or edited submissions by the same AsiaWorld-Club member are not allowed and all submitted answers by that AsiaWorld-Club member will be disqualified except to cancellation on extra submitted answers.
- Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/AsiaWorldExpo
- Instagram Page: https://www.instagram.com/asiaworldexpo
- The winner announcement of the lucky draw will be made on the official AsiaWorld-Expo Facebook and Instagram page on or before 17 December 2021 16:00:00(GMT+8) and published on The Hong Kong Economic Times and South China Morning Post on 18 December 2021.
- Each AsiaWorld Club member can only participate in this campaign ONCE and with 1 chance to win.
- All seat allocations of the tickets for “The Ultimate Song Chart Awards Presentation 2021” shall be at AWEM sole and absolute discretion. The winner and his/her Companion cannot choose the seating and AWEM cannot guarantee that adjacent seats will be available. AWEM will not issue replacement tickets, and shall not be liable for any claim, loss, or damage incurred in relation to any tickets being lost or damaged or stolen in any circumstances.
- All information provided by participants must be true and correct, and not illegally obtained or stolen from a third party. Participants submitting false or misleading information will be disqualified at the sole discretion of AWEM.
- The 2 tickets for “The Ultimate Song Chart Awards Presentation 2021” cannot be changed or exchanged for cash, and are non-replaceable, non-refundable, non-transferrable, non-resalable and non-returnable. The 2 tickets for “The Ultimate Song Chart Awards Presentation 2021” will be forfeited without prior notice in case of breach of any of terms herein.
- AWEM is not the organiser of the “The Ultimate Song Chart Awards Presentation 2021”, thus, the 2 tickets for “The Ultimate Song Chart Awards Presentation 2021” shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the organizer, the organizer is fully responsible for the arrangement, in the event of any change to the terms and conditions. AWEM accepts no responsibility to any changes, nor liabilities and/or compensation in relation to “The Ultimate Song Chart Awards Presentation 2021”.
- Once the 2 tickets for “The Ultimate Song Chart Awards Presentation 2021” are issued, no further claims nor replacement shall be made even if the 2 tickets for “The Ultimate Song Chart Awards Presentation 2021” are lost or damaged.
- In the interest of fairness, the employees of AWEM are not eligible to participate in this lucky draw.
- In case of disputes, the decision of AWEM shall be final.
- The Chinese version of these terms and conditions are for reference only. In case of discrepancies between the English version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail.
- AWEM shall collect adequate, but not excessive, personal data by lawful and fair means only for lawful purposes related to our business and activities in accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. For more details on collection of personal data statement or privacy policy, please visit AWEM’s website (www.asiaworld-expo.com).
Trade Promotion Competition Licence No.: 55350